Monday, September 24, 2012

Bates 4-H’ers are straight shooters

(BUTLER, MO – September 24, 2012) - Fourteen Bates County 4-H’ers participated in the Missouri 4-H State Shooting Sports contest held on Saturday, September 15 at Columbia. Bates County 4-H Youth Specialist Alan J. Mundey reports the following results: Luke Crawford placed 1st in the Intermediate Compound 3-D Archery competition; and the senior skeet shooting team of Conrad Walley, Derek Sutcliffe and Wylie Miller placed 3rd in their event; Conrad Walley captured the top honor in Senior Doubles at the State Trap Shoot held on Aug. 25. Other Bates County participants were Geoffrey Algiere, Ella Armentrout, Erin Armentrout, Emily Shine, Wesley Shine, Megan Sutcliffe, Tommy Sutcliffe, Ty Underwood, Drake Vermillion and David Warfield, Jr.

-our thanks to Alan Mundey

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