Notes from the Butler city council meeting last night:
The Butler City Council has been doing its homework. They have to think ahead, to be ready to handle needs as they come up, so they're looking over their standing five year capital improvements plan, and also are looking checking the continuing plan on sidewalk improvements such as drainage, paving needs and other things that happen to a community. Actually, the plans are upgraded each year when the budget is coming out, but they keep an eye on it at all times.
The plans also include such things as ball fields maintenance, replacement of vehicles in all departments, and even such things as salt spreading when winter hits us, and other needs like the dog pound.
Those improvements come to an estimated total of a little over eight million dollars for the coming five years, and the one under the listing of sidewalks, paving, and other related needs comes to almost one and three-quarters millions. As we action is needed...they're just keeping an eye on how things stand.
Ever wish you could take a ride in a helicopter? You can do it at the Fairgrounds this October 27th. It will be in conjunction with the annual Barbecue Contests. Dennis Jacobs, head of the Airport Committee, along with David Wise, were at this week's council meeting, and got the OK from Fire Chief Jim Henry to offer the rides, so long as the area is secured from the public except for getting to and from the helicopter for the rides.
The subject of incentives to attract new businesses to Butler came up at the Council's last meeting, and was continued at this week's meeting. Actually, the city already has some things that encourage business growth, but will continue to study how more things can be done. This will get further study.
The sales tax/use tax question continues. As we've mentioned from earlier meetings, the city sales tax charged on out-of-state purchases of motor vehicles, trailers, boats and motors, is no longer collected, because of a ruling by the Missouri Supreme Court which said local sales tax could not be levied on those items. This would cost over 20-thousand dollars per year in taxes to be collected per year for Butler.
In looking at current sales tax rates, Butler is the lowest among Adrian, Belton, Clinton, Grandview, Harrisonville, Independence, Joplin, Lee's Summit, Nevada and Raymore, with the highest being around nine percent.. Butler's is 7.35 percent per dollar, and as we said, is lowest of those studied.
The Finance Committee of Butler City Council discussed all this and recommended to the Council to NOT submit a use tax for voter approval at this time, but to consider submitting the proposed new sales tax for funding equipment, projects and other uses for voter approval next February 5th. The last day to certify the ballot question for that election date will be this November 27th. This is not a tax raise; it's just a name change.
You'll recall that studies have been made concerning work needed on city sewer lines around town, and bids are being taken on several jobs that will call for almost six-thousand lineal feet of sewer lines to be worked on or replaced. Bids will be taken until one p.m. on November 5th. Copies of the plans and specs are on file and may be examined at Butler City Hall.
-courtesy FM 92 the Bullet