Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hume news

The community of Hume wishes to express their sympathy to Brad Scrogham and his mother Lorna, on the loss of their father and husband, James “Tom” Scrogham. Mr. Scrogram passed away on September 24, 2012. He will be greatly missed by family and friends.

Joan Laughlin and her daughter, Mary enjoyed the Renaissance festival on Saturday, September 29.

Wilma Swarens, Pam and Tyler Swarens went to the home of Cheryl and Bill Gillette on Sunday, September 30 in Nevada, MO. They enjoyed a birthday lunch for the Gillette’s granddaughter, Bree Turner who turns 6 on October 6. Others enjoying the day were Gloria, Brock and Brett Turner, Art and Joanne Gillette, Pattie Olmstead, Beau, Elisabeth and Kyndal Swope, Gayla Swarens, Robbie, Jacinda and Mackinzie Sullins.

The Hume School Carnival has been scheduled for October 26. If anyone would like further information just contact Karla Davidson at the bank or any PTO member.

The Annual Lord’s Acre Day Barbecue and Auction will be held on Saturday November 3 at the Hume United Methodist Church.

-our thanks to Karen Irwin

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