Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happenings in Hume

Hume News

      The Hume After-Prom committee will be hosting a Taco Feed in the Multi-purpose room on February 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  The after-prom committee works hard for the kids to have a safe and fun time after their prom.

      The Sophomore Class at Hume is sponsoring a benefit basketball game on Friday, March 1.  The Junior High and High School students will play faculty and community members.  There will be activities with prizes for the elementary students.  Admission will be charged and a concession stand provided.

       The Hume PTO is collecting Box Top Labels and Best Choice Labels. But now, they are starting to collect Food Fair receipts (Rich Hill Store Only).  Food Fair will give our school $250.00 for joining this collection plus, they will match one dollar to every hundred dollars spent.  So, what you need to do is save yours, your neighbors and family/friends Food Fair receipts.  Place them in a baggie with your students name on front of the baggie, just like you do with your box tops and best choice labels.  Food Fair will at the end of each quarter give a classroom party for the most receipts collected.  So let’s start our collecting…spread the word!  There is also a drop box in the front lobby of the school and at the Security Bank lobby.
        The Hume Community Choir practices on Monday evening in the music room at 7:00 p.m.  If you love to sing, please join us.  You will need to enter through the east doors of the school.

        Hume Fair Dates are July 30 through August 3, 2013.  We are looking for Prince and Princess Candidates ages 5 to 11 years old and Rodeo Queen Candidate’s ages 12 to 18 years old.  Also, please don’t forget for $10.00 per photo, you can have your child or children added in the special feature of future community leaders of the Hume Fair Paper.  We are please to announce that this is the same price that it was featured for last year. 

      The people who volunteer their time and talent to work for the school and community strive to make it a place we can be proud of, so no matter what or how small, you can play an important role in helping out.  See you there!

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