Monday, February 11, 2013

Hume News

     Tim and Lena Norbury attended the wedding of the daughter and new son-in-law Lori and Don Ostrander in Blue Springs, Missouri on February 2.  The ceremony was performed by her Lori’s brother, Eric Norbury.  Others who enjoyed the beautiful wedding were Marsha Casey, Erin Armentrout, Ed and Diane Sneed.  Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Ostrander.

     Virginia Durbin, Karen Irwin and Marissa Lantsberger celebrated Wilma Sullivan’s 89th birthday on Friday, February 8 at the Prescott Nursing Home.  Others who enjoyed cake were Eustrus Barnes and Lois Bowman.

      Rita Murray celebrated her 93rd birthday at the Pizza Hut in Butler, MO on Sunday, February 10.  Those attending were:  Norann Brooks, Mildred Bell, Helen and David Owens, Frank and Barby Brooks, Sherry Searing, Colton, Harper and Bayley, Denise and Brad Steuck, Kolby, Blake and Dallie, Wesley and Misty Brooks, Issac, Taylor and Garrett, Melody and Jeff Wikoff, Sara, Kelsi, Braxton and Zack White, Janine Castillo, Tom and Carrie Sutcliffe, Derek, Megan and Tommy, Troy and Melissa Burns, and Becky Keith.

     Congratulations to the Lady Hornets on winning Conference Champs and to the Hume Hornet Boys team on winning consolation.  Great job!

      The third grade Hume Hornets won 2nd place at their Butler tournament last Saturday.
      Hume United Methodist Church News:  The annual Valentine’s Sweetheart dinner was held on Sunday, December 10 with a delicious supper of Broasted chicken, mashed potatoes and grave, corn, salad and ice cream for dessert.  The Methodist Men did a great job once again preparing the meal.  The entertainment for the evening was the “Backwoods Kuzins” from Lamar, MO., a wonderful evening of fun and fellowship was enjoyed by all.

      The Hume community choir is practicing every Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the music room at the Hume School.  If you enjoy singing, please join us as we prepare for an Easter concert.

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