Monday, February 25, 2013


The forecast is for significant snowfall from the incoming storm, as well as possibly strong winds, which may result in blowing and drifting snow.

MoDOT has issued an advisory stating that travel will be hazardous, and persons who do not have to travel should not do so.

As a reminder, be alert for drifts that may form around vents from furnaces or hot water heaters. This may cause Carbon Monoxide to build up inside.

Also, if you have a newer energy efficient furnace that utilizes the PVC pipes for exhaust and air intake, be sure that snow does not drift over these. Many of them are at the level of the foundation. If they become drifted over, this may also cause readings of Carbon Monoxide and will effect the operation of the furnace. We have received calls of detectors going off and the furnace making a "funny noise", and on arrival have found the pipes to be drifted over.

Again, from the Butler Fire Department and Emergency Management Agency, if you must get out in the elements, use extreme caution. 

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