Thursday, February 7, 2013

Senior Center

The budget struggle close to home: People are accustomed to hearing about the struggle in Congress to achieve a balance between  expenditures and revenue. That struggle carries through to the state and local level as well. Many  state-provided services are supported by the federal budget. Many of the local services we are  accustomed to are dependent on both federal and state budgets. One of those local services is the
Butler Senior Center. A brief comparison of the budget ten years ago and now will serve to illustrate the funding struggle today.

FY-2003 FY-2013

  • Actual Budgeted
  • State/Federal grant funds  89,856 96,768
  • Program Income  48,820 38,160
  • Local Fundraising  21,124 32,776
  • In-kind (volunteer services)  51,916 50,000
  • Totals            $211,716        $217,704

Interestingly, the target local fund-raising for 2003 was $13,500 but we raised $21,124. After ten years of rising costs, our local share is considerably greater but the challenge to fundraising is far more difficult in our current economic environment. That is true even though Butler and Bates County folk have been very generous in all our fund-raising efforts. Half-way through  our fiscal year, we have raised a little over one-third of the necessary funds.

Here is one more opportunity for the community to help us out. A Board member has decided to
give away his 1998 Dodge Dakota (small, but extended cab pickup). A donation of $10 to the
Senior Center will get you one chance to win this good, used vehicle. As soon as 250 tickets
have been sold (hopefully by the end of February) the pickup goes to the lucky winner. The $10
tickets will be available at the Senior Center daily from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm or you may call the
Secretary/Treasurer, Len Redding at 424-3552. You may also contact any of the other Board
members. Whether you win or not, you will have helped us add $2,500 to our fund-raising for
the year. That helps the Senior Citizens of Bates County by keeping our meals programs and
other services adequately funded through the current year

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