Rebecca Annette Thorp v.
Robert Frank Thorpe, Petition for Dissolution of Marriage filed.
Kyla Colleen Feurborn v. Levi
Joseph Feurborn, Motion to Modify Dissolution filed.
Mary L Borland v. Jeremy
Borland, Petition for Dissolution of Marriage filed.
Lewis R Dabbs V Mo Director
of Revenue filed.
Stephanie A Gragg V Stephen C
Gragg, Motion and Affidavit for Show Cause Order filed.
St v. Carolyn L Fuller, I:
Felony possession of controlled substance, marijuana &
methamphetamines-guilty plea; II: Felony possession of controlled substance,
hydrocodone, guity plea; given SIS, placed on 5 years probation, to
pay court costs, to attend and successfully complete any counseling/treatment
as directed, Defe. to be subject to random drug testing, random home/vehicle
searches, to perform 200 hours of community service.
Christina D Breshears v Mac A
Breshears, Modification of Dissolution Decree filed.