Friday, April 12, 2013


The Butler Public Library has been selected as one of the 25 libraries in the United States that will be hosting a NASA Science4girls/Astro4girls and their family event.
Monsters in the Middle: Super Massive Black Holes in the Heart of Galaxies” will be featured at the Butler Public Library and the Butler Public Schools on Saturday, May 18th. This will be science fun for the entire family.

This program is targeted for the 4th – 9th grades but no one will be turned away. The Butler High School will feature “Monsters in the Middle” from 10am – 11am where everyone will have the opportunity to learn about supper massive black holes featuring some of the latest discoveries from NASA spacecraft.

From 11am – 2pm “Fun with Science Open House” will be at the Butler High School when you will be able to drop in anytime to join in the fun and make an edible model, a Sky Wheel to take and also experience fun, hands-on activities that are designed for all ages involving black holes, cratering and much more.

Saturday evening from 8:30 – 11pm join in the “Star Party” at the Butler Public Library. Members of the Astronomical Society of Kansas City will guide everyone in viewing the Moon, starts and other wonders of the night sky with their telescopes.

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