Hume News
The Hume High
School Alumni held their annual meeting on Saturday, May 25 at 7:00 p.m. in the
school gym. Bill Hawks was the Master of
Ceremonies. We had a large crowd with
the 2013 seniors being inducted into the Alumni Association. Margaret Sears welcomed the seniors of 2013
to the Alumni with her daughter, Tori Sears giving the response. The Sears families have gone to Hume School
for 68 years with Miss Sears being the last one with the Sears name to attend
Hume School.
Kristy Brooks
and Carrie Sutcliffe gave the senior oath and initiation. We had some piggy back rides, singing and a
wonderful rendition of the twist by Meredith Yarick and the seniors. It was a lot of fun for everyone.
Our President
Jeff Davidson and VP Carrie Sutcliffe got a group of young people together and
set up the tables, chairs, etc. We, the
older ones on the alumni board appreciated all the work they done. That’s why we need a few more younger people
on the alumni board.
The invocation
was given by Rhonda Headley. The
delicious meal was prepared by Kathy Hester of Sisters and Friends Café. As you know prices keep going up on
everything. That’s why next year we will
be asking more for the meals/dues. The
flowers on the tables were done by the Hume Garden Club.
The class of
1958 celebrated their 55th year and the class of 1963 celebrated 50
years with get a get together earlier in the day.
The deceased
alumni members were: Bill Mullies class
of 1938, Dorothy Keller Yarick class of 1941, Lloyd Royer class of 1952, Lester
Stringer class of 1953, Joanne Jacobs Williams class of 1959, Robert Allen
Sullivan class of 1960, David Wadel class of 1975, Brenda Miner Bradley class
of 1981, Gary Landen Frye class of 1982, Julie DeNayer Ray class of 1986 and
Troy D. Wehar class of 1991.
The Annual Hume
Alumni is always held on Memorial weekend.
If you have gone to Hume School and for some reason did not get to
graduate with your class you are welcome to attend. We just ask that you let us know at so we can
plan accordingly with the meal. We look
forward to seeing you all next year.
The class of
2003 held their 10 class reunion on Friday evening, June 14 in Fort Scott,
KS. They all had a great time, but
missed the ones who were unable to attend.
The Hume
Fair Association is still seeking Rodeo Queen Candidate’s age 12 to 19 years
old and Prince & Princess Candidates ages 5 to 11 years old. You have till June 24 for the final sign up
date to be able to get your picture and write up in the Hume Fair Paper.
Despite the
downpour of rain on Saturday, June 15 there were about 16 garage sales held for
the City wide garage sale. Please keep a
date in June for next year for the city wide.