Thursday, August 1, 2013

Petition For No Motorcycle Passenger Until 21 Years Of Age

The Secretary of State Jason Kander today announced that an initiative petition relating to motorcycle drivers met state standards for circulation.

The official ballot title for the initiative petition reads:

Shall Missouri law be amended to prohibit motorcycle drivers from having a passenger on his or her motorcycle until the driver is 21 years old and require such drivers to successfully complete a motorcycle rider-safety class, unless the driver was born in 1984 or earlier and has maintained a motorcycle license for at least the two previous years?

One-time costs to state governmental entities could be at least $3,700 with the total potential annual costs being unknown, but probably limited. Local governmental entities expect no potential costs. Possible increased revenue to state and local governmental entities is unknown.

The petition, which would amend Section 302 of the Missouri Revised Statutes, was submitted by Tammy O’Meara, 3500 N Village Dr. STE 140, St. Joseph, MO 64506.

Before any statutory changes can be brought before Missouri voters in the November 2014 election, signatures must be obtained from registered voters equal to five (5) percent of the total votes cast in the 2012 governor's election from six of the state's eight congressional districts.

Signatures on behalf of all initiative petitions for the 2014 ballot are due to the secretary of state’s office by no later than 5 p.m. on May 4, 2014.

Before circulating petitions, state law requires that groups must first have the form of their petition approved by the secretary of state and attorney general. The secretary of state then prepares a summary statement of no more than 100 words and the state auditor prepares a fiscal impact statement, both of which are subject to the approval of the attorney general. When both statements are approved, they become the official ballot title.
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