Monday, November 18, 2013

Bates County Sheriff's Department Press Release: E911

In the summer of 2010, the Bates County Sheriff’s Office and the County Commission began working together to bring Bates County Enhanced 911. In November of 2010 the first major step toward E911 was the purchase of the 911 system for the Sheriff’s Office. This system was a joint effort between the County and the City of Butler. By purchasing the system together there was extreme cost savings for both entities. That system was installed in the summer of 2011.

The next step in the E911 implementation was to address every house in Bates County. This step had already been started by Lynn Fuller who turned the reigns over to a newly hired 911 Director Brian Bearce. This daunting process had two steps in itself. The first step was to draw a centerline road point and then assign house numbers. The Director then had to drive all of the county roads and get GPS points for each property. These databases were supposed to be double checked with the database of the United States Postal Service in Kansas City but were delayed due to privacy rules by the Post Office. This delay caused the 911 Director to seek other avenues to confirm address points.

Once that step was completed then the countys database was entered into a software program that is designed to look for errors. This step was completed in late October of 2013 and then submitted to the United States Postal Service. As the areas are approved by the postal service then they are sent back to the Sheriffs Office.

This week the Sheriffs Office has begun to send letters out to the residents of Bates County informing them of their 911 address. The Postal Service has advised us that each resident has 6 months to convert all mail to the new address. At the time of this press release multiple areas in the North end of the County have been approved and are being mailed.

Mailing addresses is not the last step to have E911 up and running. Once the whole countys addresses have been approved and mailed, then the complete database will be turned over to Century Link to begin their work on the database. There are approximately five other telephone companies that Century Link will have to work with to complete the databases. Once all the telephone companies have received and converted the address databases then Century Link will then install dedicated trunked phone lines into the Sheriffs Office to run E911. Once the phone lines are hooked up to the system E911 will be live and functioning.

After E911 goes live, anyone wishing to receive 911 addresses will be directed to the 911 Director at the Sheriffs Office. We will continue to inform the media of the progress of 911 so that the citizens of Bates County can be watching for the new addresses in the mail. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Sheriff Chad Anderson or 911 Director Brian Bearce at 660-679-3232.

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