The Butler Chamber of Commerce Halloween Parade was last Thursday, October 31 and the results of the winners are as follows:
0-5 Years
1st: Vampire - Whitley Randalls
2nd: Popeye - Baylor Gillis
3rd: Minnie Mouse - Zanyiah Hamilton
6-11 Years
1st: Mad Scientist - Dylan Randalls
2nd: Orange Tic Tac - Keyara Shobe
3rd: Poodle Skirt Girl - Jakalia Rolph
12-17 Years
1st: Claw Game - Hannah McCoy
2nd: Yami - Brodie Reno
3rd: Scarecrow - Ariel Lindteigen
18 & Over Years
1st: Ventriliquist Dummy - Becky West
2nd: Draculaura - Shannon Cosby
3rd: Walking Dead Girl - Amanda McCoy
1st: Circus Train - Maygan Inglehart
2nd: Mario - Tanner Foster
1st: The Walking Dead
- Dylan Wiltshire, Hayden Wiltshire,
Kayliegh Rich
2nd: Cat in a Hat with Thing 1 & Thing 2
- Macy Camerer, Grace Green,
Harley Hearting
3rd: Dragon, Dragon Slayer, Princess
- Jennifer & Bryson Kash, Sandy Heathman
1st: Pirate - Theresa Shobe
2nd: Coal/Batman - Mark McCoy
Overall Scariest
Little Red Riding Hood- Halle Lee