Monday, December 2, 2013


The Mullinax Funeral Home welcomes you to their Holiday Remembrance Service on Sunday, December 8th at 2pm. This Remembrance Service is a time that is set aside to remember loved ones that have passed away this year and in years past.
Personalized Angel Ornaments are also available to order at this time. You are invited to submit photos of your loved ones to the Mullinax Funeral home to be used in a video presentation during the service. Free copies of the video presentation will be available as a keepsake. The deadline to submit a photo is 4pm on Wednesday, December 4th. The photos will be returned to you.
If you live in the Butler area and need transportation to and from the service, contact the Mullinax Funeral Home for a ride - 660-679-0009. Refreshments will follow the service and the Chapel is located at 10 South High Street in Butler.

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