Thursday, January 2, 2014

Missouri State Highway Patrol Press Release: Zero Fatalities During New Year's Counting Period‏

The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that there were zero fatalities during the New Year's holiday counting period from 6 p.m., Tuesday, December 31, 2013 to 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, January 1, 2014. Troopers investigated 116 traffic crashes with 42 injuries. In addition, troopers made 47 arrests for driving while intoxicated during the 30-hour counting period.

During last year's longer counting period, 12 fatalities were reported statewide. Troopers investigated 486 traffic crashes with 147 injuries, and made 124 arrests for driving while intoxicated over the 2013 New Year's counting period.

The Patrol is pleased the new year has arrived without a traffic fatality. We ask all motorists to remain vigilant as winter weather moves across our state. Please clean snow and ice completely from your vehicle and allow extra time to reach your destination at a slow, safe speed.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol is here to serve and protect. If you observe or experience an emergency situation, traffic crash, hazardous driver, crime or a stranded vehicle, please call the Missouri State Highway Patrol emergency number at 1-800-525-5555 or dial *55 on a cellular phone. These numbers ring at the nearest troop headquarters.

Planning ahead and being a courteous driver are important every day. In winter driving conditions, this becomes crucial. Remember: Whenever you use your windshield wipers, the law requires you to turn on your headlights.

Of course, no matter how safely you drive, you can’t control other drivers. Thus, the Patrol encourages motorists to protect themselves from all types of hazardous drivers by making sure everyone in the vehicle is properly restrained in a seat belt or child restraint. Click It 4 Life!

Note: The fatality statistics in this news release could change if late deaths occur, or if other departments report fatal traffic crashes after this news

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