The community of Hume wishes to extend their sympathy to the
family of Wayne Keirsey, Sr. He will be
greatly missed by family and friends. We also wish
to extend our sympathy to the family of Leon Bush, Sr. Our thoughts and prayers go out to both of
these families.
A 90th
birthday celebration was held on February 9 at the Prescott Country View
Nursing home in honor of Wilma Sullivan.
A host of family and friends along with the residents enjoyed cake, ice
cream and punch. Wilma turned 90 on
February 8 and enjoyed a special visit from her brother, Walter Ford of
Sheldon, MO.
Rita Murray
celebrated her 94th birthday with family members at the Butler Pizza
Hut on Sunday February 16. Family
members attending were Frank and Barbie Brooks, Wesley and Misty Brooks, Issac
and Garrett, David and Monica Brooks, Gretchen and Byron, Brad & Denise
Steuck, Kolby, Blake and Dalley, Tom & Carrie Sutcliffe, Megan and Tommy,
Jeff and Melody Wikoff, Sara & Braxton, David and Helen Owens, Gene and
Patti Brooks, Norann Brooks and Mildred Bell.
The Hume United Methodist Men hosted their annual
“Sweetheart Dinner” on February 9 with a delicious dinner as usual. Afterwards everyone enjoyed the music by the
band “Fifth Sunday”.
On Sunday,
February 23 there will be an “After Prom Taco Feed” from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00
p.m. in the Multi-purpose room at the Hume School. This will be a freewill donation and will go
towards the After Prom Activities for the 2014 prom.
The Hume
Fair board is seeking royalty candidates for the 2014 Hume Fair. Prince and Princess Candidates need to be 5
to 11 years of age. Rodeo Queen
Candidates need to be 12 to 19 years of age.
Just contact any fair board member if interested.