Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Lowry City Man Arrested on Bates and Henry County Warrants

On Feb. 12, James Lysinger Sr., 35, Lowry City, was arrested at the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office on Bates and Henry county warrants. The Henry County warrant was for failing to appear on a class D felony charge of operating a vehicle on a highway without a valid license- third and subsequent offense and failing to appear on a misdemeanor charge of not registering a motor vehicle. Bond was set at $1,000 cash only and a court date of Feb. 28 was given on those charges. 

The Bates County warrant was for failing to appear on a misdemeanor charge of not registering a motor vehicle and a seat belt violation. The total bond was set at $110 cash or surety and a court date of March 11 was given.

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