Monday, June 2, 2014

Weather Update: Severe Storms Tuesday Night

Lots to talk about this morning! Many of you are waking up to happier lawns after widespread rains last night. Several spots near and north of I-70 picked up over an inch of rain. KCI's 1.25" reduced this year's rainfall deficit by 25%.

Now for Tuesday: If you live in northern Kansas, northern Missouri, southern Nebraska or southern Iowa you are under the gun for a very strong complex of thunderstorms Tuesday night. These storms will have the potential to produce widespread wind damage, very heavy rains and a few tornadoes.

Right now it looks like areas north of the Highway 36 corridor stand the best chance of seeing these storms as this is where all of the models are taking them. However: these storm complexes have a tendency to dive south, especially when they grow large and severe, so we are including areas down to I-70 in the "moderate" risk area for severe storms in case the models are wrong. This could be a significant severe weather event so stay with us for updates!

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