Back To School Program
With the starting of school just
around the corner many children will not have the supplies they need
to begin school. Now is the time to register for the Back-to-School
Program sponsored by the West Central Missouri Community Action
To be eligible for this program,
the entire household income must be 125% of the federal poverty
guidelines or less. You may sign up at the Bates County Outreach
Center at 5 East Dakota Street in Butler, deadline for applications
if July 15th.
The Back-to-School Program is
accepting donations of supplies or a cash donation and they will
purchase the supplies.
The greatest need is for
backpacks. Here is a
list of suggested supplies:
- Wide line loos leaf notebook paper
- Wide line spiral notebooks
- Dry erase markers
- Washable markers (basic colors)
- Washable fine line markers
- 1” 3-ring binders
- Graph paper
- Pencil-top erasers
- Bottles of white glue
- Scissors
- Calculators (basic and scientific)
- Protractors
- Compasses
- Clorox wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- Boxes of Kleenex
Donations may be taken or sent to
the Bates County Outreach Center or for more information the contact
number is 660-679-4108.