Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weather Update: Extreme Heat Today... Isolated Severe Storms Tonight

Today will easily be the hottest day of the summer with extreme heat expected!! Today, highs will rise into the mid to upper 90s and factoring in the humidity, heat index values will be in the 103 to 110 degree range. As such a heat advisory is in effect until 7PM this evening. All precautions should be taken to beat the heat, including: staying hydrated, avoid working or exercising outside during the heat of the day and if you must be outside take frequent breaks in air conditioned environments, and wear light clothing. Do not leave children or pets in the car. Check on children, pets, and the elderly to make sure they are handling the heat well.

A break from the heat will come tonight as a cold front moves into the area. Thunderstorms will be possible along the front tonight with the chance for isolated severe storms (mainly north of I-70) capable of producing damaging winds and large hail.

Be safe everyone!! How do you plan to beat the heat??

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