9/10/2014 at approximately 1230 A.M. the Bates County Sheriff’s
Office received a call from the Adrian Police Department about a
vehicle that was failing to yield for their Patrol Officer. The
vehicle left the City limits and traveled south on I49 to Passaic.
The Sheriff’s Deputies took over the pursuit and attempted to get
the vehicle stopped in at Passaic. The driver was able to evade the
Deputies and at one point almost struck a patrol vehicle causing the
Deputy to take evasive action to avoid the collision.
pursuit traveled south to Butler on Business 49 then west on West 52
highway. The vehicle continued to travel west until just before the
Missouri/Kansas State line where he traveled south on gravel. The
pursuit was turned over to the Linn County Sheriff’s Office shortly
after it traveled into Kansas. The pursuit came to a stop southeast
of Prescott Kansas on the Linn County and Bourbon County Line. The
suspect fled the vehicle on foot into a thick batch of trees.
passenger in the vehicle was taken into custody along with her 2 year
old child. The passenger stated was pleading with the male subject
to stop and let them out of the vehicle. The driver was identified
by his driver’s license left in the car and by the female
passenger. The passenger was released without any charges.
Bates County Sheriff’s Office will be seeking charges for traffic
violations, fleeing to elude a police officer, felonious restraint of
the passengers and child endangerment.