Friday, September 12, 2014

Comprehensive Missouri tax reform proposed for 2015

A state senator whose package of tax breaks was vetoed by Governor Jay Nixon has a bigger goal than trying to get the veto overridden.

Springfield Senator Bob Dixon had a half-dozen tax breaks in his bill.  Three of them were in other bills the Senate voted to pass this week despite the governor’s vetoes.

Dixon says the legislature’s tax break bills this year  deal with symptoms of an ailing tax code, not with curing the ills.  He will propose a broader tax policy for the 2015 session.

“For the sake of all Missourians we must provide greater clarity in our tax law,” he says.  Dixon says an “antiquated” tax code undermines financing for the state, local governments, and schools.

Legislators have talked for years about such a comprehensive revision but it’s been easier to approve tax breaks for particular interests. He’s calling on the loudest critics of his tax breaks bill to be active participants in the process.

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