From 10 AM to 2 PM on September 27,
thousands of DEA-coordinated collection sites will be available
across the country courtesy of the Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA)'s National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day.
Please use this unique opportunity to
safely and legally dispose of any unused or expired prescription or
over the counter medications.
The take-back service is free and
anonymous, with no questions asked. Sites will accept tablets,
capsules, and all other solid dosage forms of unwanted medication.
Personal information may be blacked out on prescription bottles or
medications may be emptied from the bottles into the bins provided at
the events.
The National Prescription Drug
Take-Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible
means of disposing of any unused or expired drugs, while also
educating the general public about the potential for abuse of
The Butler Police Department and Bates
County Health Center will again sponsor this event. Please bring any
unused or expired medication to Bates County Health Center 501 N.
Orange St. Butler, MO from 10 AM to 2 PM on Saturday, September 27,
2014. No drop-offs prior to the event please.