Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Butler Chamber of Commerce’s Boo Parade and Halloween costume contest

The annual Butler Chamber of Commerce’s Boo Parade and Halloween costume contest takes place on the Butler Square on Friday, October 31st beginning at 6pm. 

Sign up at the Chamber office beginning October 27th or register at the Gazebo on the square starting at 5pm. 

Judging begins that evening at 5:30pm at the following: 

  • Ages 0 – 3 years – Chamber Office , 
  • Ages 4 – 6 years – Pursley Law Office,  
  • Ages 7 – 11 – Printmaster , 
  • Ages 12 – 17 – Sheriff’s Annex, 
  • 18 and over – Southside Café, 
  • Groups or props – Butler Music Store 
  • Pets – Bates County Title and Abstract 

Line up for the Boo Parade will be on the southeast corner of the Butler square by Printmaster. 

The costume grand prize will be for the scariest costume. The businesses on the square will provide a “Trunk or Treat” for ages 15 and under after the Boo Parade.

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