Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Bates County Memorial Hospital: The FLU is here

Influenza season is here and according to the CDC, is “widespread” in Missouri as of Dec. 20th. Bates County Memorial Hospital and clinics have identified influenza and influenza-like illness in the community and are asking those who have respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, fever, runny nose, and/or sore throat) to please NOT visit patients in the hospital.

If you must visit and have cold symptoms, please put on a mask available in the lobbies or from a registration clerk. When visiting, please remember to perform good hand hygiene before and after your visit. As the highest rates of influenza cases currently in Missouri are among children 14 years and younger, we are asking that children do not visit patients at this time.

Thank you for your cooperation in providing the best protection possible to our patients during this flu season.

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