Monday, January 5, 2015

Ft. Scott Kansas Police investigate school hoax

School was let out early in Fort Scott Monday afternoon (1/5). Classes were dismissed at 1:30 after a threat was received earlier in the day. Fort Scott Police Chief Travis Shelton tells News Talk KZRG the threat may not have been made by someone local.

"These develop oftentimes overseas.  But we don't know if someone locally sent it also, or got a hold of this e-mail, changed the names and sent it also.  That is under investigation right now."

Fort Scott Superintendent Bob Beckham tells News Talk KZRG the threat was "a generic district-wide threat," not aimed at any particular school. 

Shelton says all Fort Scott schools were let out early as a safety precaution.  He adds each school district building was checked once the students had been sent home.  "Law enforcement along with school personnel and administration did walk-throughs, did searches of the interior of the schools and the common areas and the exterior of the schools and didn't find anything out of the ordinary."

Beckham says plans are for classes in Fort Scott to be held as usual on Tuesday (1/6).

Courtesy of KZRG

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