February 20
1870-Among the many towns in Bates County, the latest is Altona that is booming. New buildings are started every week, and it's going to be a large town with everything anyone would need.
1876-Tom Montgomery boasts that he has the biggest cow in Bates county. She is only seven years of age and weighs 1,695 lbs. Who can beat it?
1881-A large crowd attends the grand masque ball at the Palace Hotel.
1895-W.B. Carrico, of Papinville, publicly declares war on tree stumps with his new style stump extractor.
1902-The Bates County Democrat newspaper reports, " the courthouse is up and all hope it will be topped out with a town clock."
1906-The Butler Hunting & Fishing Club is organized, Ed S. Clark president. They have leased the Cooper Lake, near Athol, south of Butler.
1927-The newly organized Harmony Mission Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution is confirmed by the National Society. It was organized December 12, 1926.
1940-Today is opening day of Mr.& Mrs. Chester Shelton's grocery store located in the old Ballard Bank Building, in Ballard. 20 inches of snow on the ground.
Clock face from the courthouse on display at the Bates County Museum. Note-square hole was a door that allowed for maintenance and changing light bulbs that were use to illuminate the clock at night |