Friday, March 27, 2015

Henry County Sheriffs Office: Thefts from around the county

According to Sheriff Kent Oberkrom, several thefts have occurred over the past week that involve the theft of off-road vehicles and ATV's. The thefts have been in the 400 block of SE 100, the 100 block of NE 100 and the 40 block of NE 201. The Sheriff's Office has some leads in these cases, but anyone with information in encouraged to contact Detective Sergeant Mike Nelson at the Sheriff's Office.

Additional thefts of copper wiring from above ground irrigation systems have occurred over the past several months. The first reported theft was in January of this year in the 100 block of NW 901 road. The second theft occurred sometime between December, 2014 and March, 2015 in the 600 block of NW 850 road. Thieves are cutting the wiring that provides power to these large irrigation systems and then selling the copper from the stolen wiring after they burn off the insulation.

Sheriff Oberkrom says that many thefts are preventable by property owners and solvable by law enforcement with some basic care of your property;

First, be sure to record all serial numbers, vehicle identification numbers, etc where one is available. If the device does not have one, then apply your own identifying number to the device in a hidden spot. This will assist in locating your property if it is stolen.

Second, check your property frequently and install security systems and cameras where property is remotely located. This technology is more affordable in today's market than it ever has been and has many great features including the monitoring of your property when you are away.

Third, IMMEDIATELY report any activity that is not normal for your neighborhood. Don't spend time trying to decide whether a vehicle or person is suspicious, if you don't see them or their vehicle in your neighborhood frequently, CALL law enforcement and report any details you have about the person or vehicle. Don't be fooled by their slick tongue that ask you about cattle out or directions to town, etc. They are just using the conversation to size you and your property up for a later theft. Get on the phone and report them, IMMEDIATELY!

Thieves don't change their appearance or vehicles very often, so your tip just might be the one that connects several crimes together to the same person(s), but if you don't call, we may never know.

Last, it takes all of us working together to make our community a safer place to live and work. If we don't work together, the thieves will get your stuff and they will win!
If you have information about any criminal activity contact your local law enforcement officials at the numbers listed below. You can always call 9-1-1 to IMMEDIATELY report any abnormal activity in your neighborhood.

  • Henry County Sheriff's Office 660-885-7300
  • Clinton Police Department 660-885-2679
  • TIPS Hotline 1-800-825-TIPS (8477)
  • TIPS E-Mail

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