Capitol report from Representative Patricia Pike
Ft. Leonard Wood Pentagon Listening Session:
Missouri’s Elected Officials joined a packed house Monday, March 2, 2015 at Ft. Leonard Wood in support of retaining the military personnel being considered for reduction. Up to 5400 Soldier and Army civilian jobs are being evaluated in the downsizing at Fort Leonard Wood, which will have a large impact on the Ft Leonard Wood region as well as Missouri.
Representatives from the Pentagon listened to Governor Nixon, US Senator McCaskill, US Senator Blunt, and US Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, as well as a large number of state and local officials testifying at the Listening Session. It was an honor to be part of the MO House of Representative’s group attending. Our message was loud and clear in support of Ft. Leonard Wood and the advantages of keeping all the military bases strong in Missouri.
Honoring a Great Public Servant (HR 659)
Also this week many of my colleagues made the trip from Jefferson City to Clayton to pay their respects to State Auditor Tom Schweich, who tragically passed away last week. It was a somber and emotional moment as we remembered this man who had worked so hard for our state, and who had such a bright future of service ahead of him. Upon returning to the Capitol, the House met to approve a resolution honoring Schweich.
Medical Malpractice Reform Bill Receives House Approval (HB 118)
The House moved this week to approve a plan designed to contain ever-escalating medical costs and to keep medical professionals from fleeing our state. The legislation would limit the amount an individual can receive for noneconomic damages in a medical malpractice lawsuit. In effect, it would reinstate the limits that were put in place in 2005 that were then struck down in 2012 by the Missouri Supreme Court, which ruled that a cap on noneconomic damages violates the constitutional right to a jury trial.
Supporters say putting the caps back in place is a necessary step to limit the cost of medical malpractice insurance for physicians. They say keeping costs down is vital to efforts to prevent doctors from leaving Missouri for other states with reasonable limits in place. They also point to the fact the bill would limit only noneconomic damages such as pain and suffering, and not the amount an individual can receive for medical costs or lost wages.
Opponents of the bill say the limits put a dollar value on a human life, which is something they cannot support. They also say the number of doctors in Missouri has remained steady and even grown despite the current lack of liability limits.
The bill approved this week would put in place a $350,000 limit on noneconomic damages in medical malpractice cases. This is the same limit that existed under the law that was put into place in 2005.
House Approves Tax Amnesty Legislation (HB 384)
This week the House passed legislation that could generate as much as an additional $75 million in revenue for the state budget. These are additional funds that can help to fund vital programs and services that otherwise could be looked at for cuts.
The additional dollars would be generated by a period of tax amnesty that will allow delinquent taxpayers to forego all penalties, additions to tax, and interest on their unpaid taxes if they pay in full. The state has previously authorized tax amnesty periods that brought in approximately $74 million for fiscal year 2002 and $42 million for fiscal year 2003. It’s important to note that anyone who makes use of the forgiveness procedures must agree to comply with tax laws and cannot use the same amnesty procedure again in future years.
Reducing the Bureaucratic Red Tape for Missouri Businesses (HB 513)
The House also passed legislation this week to make Missouri friendlier to businesses of all sizes. The legislation would reduce the filing fees for businesses throughout Missouri, and make Missouri the state with the lowest business fees in the nation.
Right now, filing fees can vary based on the type of business entity and the type of work being performed. The bill we approved reduces all of the fees and makes them streamlined to $5 on business filings. These dollars go to the technology trust fund that pays for our state’s new online filing system.
One thing we know from talking to businesses all around the state is that they find all of the bureaucratic red tape to be confusing and a substantial obstacle. By cutting some of this tape we can get government even more out of the way so that businesses can freely grow and prosper.
Protecting Missouri’s Health Care Workforce (HB 112)
Another piece of legislation passed this week would give Missouri the accurate data it needs to allocate resources and make decisions that will ensure we have a strong health care workforce in the future. While it is a surprise to some, the truth is that Missouri does not have reliable information that will allow us to have relevant discussions about how to grow and retain our workforce of health care professionals.
Missouri is blessed to have six medical schools in our state and we produce a large number of doctors, but from what we know it appears we have not done a good job of keeping many of them in the state. The bill we passed this week will allow our state boards that deal with our medical professions to work together to better collect the data they need. We know that better information will allow the state to make better decisions that address the actual needs of Missourians and the health care professionals who treat them.
Promoting Cancer Awareness
The squeaks of sneakers could be heard throughout the halls of the State Capitol this week as legislators and staffers put their formal footwear aside to wear their favorite tennis shoes in support of cancer prevention and early detection. The event was part of the American Cancer Society’s annual “Wear Your Sneakers Day” at the Capitol.
It may be a strange sight to see legislators wearing sneakers with their suits, but the image provides a powerful reminder of the importance of cancer prevention, early detection through screening and research in the fight to help save lives. As we all know too well, cancer touches everyone. One in two men and one in three women will develop cancer in their lifetime, and in 2015 alone, it’s estimated over 34,000 Missourians will hear the words, “you have cancer.” Fortunately, screening increases the chances of detecting certain cancers early, when they are most likely to be curable.
Special thanks to the American Cancer Society for organizing this event, and to all of my colleagues who joined me in supporting such an important cause.
Flags, Resolutions, Visits, and More!
Scheduling Class Visits at the Capitol: If your school is planning on traveling to the Capitol please contact my office at 573-751-5388 and we will be glad to arrange tours.
Visiting the Capitol: Have you visited your Missouri State Capitol lately? Come up anytime and watch us while we work for you. This building is a beautiful place to visit and my Legislative Assistant, Beth, can set up a tour for you if you would like. There are many interesting places to visit in Jefferson City.
Requesting a Courtesy Resolution: Courtesy resolutions can be requested for many reasons including a special anniversary, birth, Eagle Scout Award, Marriage, birthday, business opening, Special Award, Retirement, or Sports. Please do not hesitate to contact my office should you like to request one.
United States Flags: If you know of a school, retirement center, non-profit group, or someone else that is in need of a flag, please contact my office so that I can arrange to have a new flag sent to them.
Scheduling a Visit with Me Back in the District: I always enjoy visiting with my constituents in the 126th District. Some of my favorite groups are school age children. If you would like to schedule a visit with me, please call my office. Such visits can include reading and talking with school children, visiting retirement centers, visiting non-profit groups, businesses, coffee talks, and more.
Service Member and Veterans Services: Enough cannot be said of the sacrifices our brave men and women of the Armed Forces make for our freedoms every day, both at home and abroad. The Missouri Veterans Commission has put together a guide for Missouri resources for military service members and their families with contacts for local VA Hospitals and Centers, the American Legion, the VFW, the other resources for our veterans. To request one, please contact my office at 573-751-5388 and we will be more than happy to provide you with one.
Please contact me at patricia.pike@house.mo.gov or call 573-751-5388 any time I may be of assistance.