Gas prices have increased nationwide, but Missouri is still below the national average of $2.71 per gallon. In Missouri, the average price is $2.44 per gallon.
Missouri AAA Spokesman Mike Right said experts say gas prices will still remain lower than last year.
“We’ve seen an up-tick in gasoline prices in the last few days, but we’re basically going to enjoy gasoline prices that are noticeable below what they were this same time last year,” said Right. “In most instances, it will be at least 80 cents a gallon less than what we paid in 2014.”
Right said consumers should be saving more on gasoline compared to years past.
“A family should be saving somewhere in the neighborhood of about $600 on their gasoline bill this year compared to what they spent last year,” said Right.
Right offers an explanation of why gas prices increase around this time of year.
“Typically, we pay the highest price for gasoline during the month of May and then we see some moderation as we get into June and July and it remains fairly steady throughout the summer drive season,” said Right. “Much of the ramp up in cost associated with the month of May has to do with the change over from winter fuel to summer fuel and the refineries beginning to get back online after some shut downs for maintenance.”
Courtesy of Kyle Loethen MissouriNet