The date for the Angel Catfish Dog memorial tournament will be Sunday,
June 28th, take off at 0800 and weigh in at 1600. Registration will be
at The Old Oar House Inn, located in Warsaw Missouri, from 0630 - 0700,
followed by a brief meeting to discuss some basic rules.
No rod limit, $50 entry fee and any number of people can fish for that
fee. Half of the entry fee will go toward first place and the other half
will go to the Odessa Animal Clinic to help their needs and hopefully
cover the fee for someone... to adopt an abandoned dog.
Bass Pro Shops Bass Pro Shops of Independence, Mo. and Tracker Boats
have also donated gift cards as well as several other prizes to be given
Sergeant Jones is trying to get a few donations to cover a second and
third place finish. There will be a 5 fish limit, 2 over 34 inches and 3
under 26 inches, or 1 over 34 inches and 4 under 26, or 5 under 26
inches, this only applies to blue cats.
Flatheads any size can be
weighed. All fish need to be alive and all fish over 34 inches will be
released after being photographed and weighed.
You can register by emailing Sergeant Jones, by clicking HERE.
Sergeant Jones will also including a free guide trip to the winner of the big fish of the event.
Anyone wishing to donate to this cause can mail the donation to Chris
Jones, 2501 West Mechanic (Suite 100), Harrisonville, MO 64701, and he
will send a receipt for your donation which will go directly to the
Odessa Animal Clinic.
The Old Oar House Inn is located at: 25842 Old Oar House Rd, Warsaw, MO 65355. Click HERE for a map.