Tanner’s mother Melinda dedicates her time to taking care of Tanner and is unable to work outside their home. They do have insurance, but it only pays certain needed treatment and for certain equipment. Since the injury Tanner and his mother have relocated to Kansas City so that Tanner can attend the Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired and also be closer to Children’s Mercy Hospital.
Team Tanner is co-hosting a fundraiser with The Fishing Dock on June 20, 2015 for Tanner. Raffle tickets for various items are $1 or 6 for $5 and can be purchased from Barb Robinson (660-200-5561), Myra Boyer (417-684-7002 or anyone at The Fishing Dock. You need not be present on June 20th to win. The Fishing Dock has offered a percentage of their food sales on June 20th also.
The live band “Eisel and Hoover” will will be playing at the Fishing Dock at approximately 9:00 p.m. until closing time.
“Team Tanner” donations may be made directly to Citizen’s Bank in Butler, MO, or by contacting Barbara Robinson (660) 200-5561 or Myra Boyer (417) 684-7002 or by going to the “Team-Tanner” GoFundMe page. Please make sure you have a dash in the middle, there are 3 “Team Tanners”. You can also find information on “Team Tanner” on FaceBook.