According to CBS News, the permits, which read “expires: when we defeat this evil”, were first promoted by the candidate in an email sent out June 29.
The email lists the mock hunting permit, which touts “No bagging limit No tagging limit”, for a $10 donation. For $100 dollars, donors can get a sticker signed by a former Navy SEAL who claims to be the man that killed Osama bin Laden in the infamous 2011 raid.
Greitens’ campaign pitch comes after one of his donors was accused of sexual abuse by a former girlfriend.
“It’s time for Mr. Greitens to renounce his prior statements, cut all ties and send the money back,” Catherine Hanaway, a former federal prosecutor and rival candidate, said. “Even better, he should send it to a shelter for abused women.”
But Greitens has balked at the claims. “Unlike the career politicians, I’m not going to convict someone in the court of public opinion,” the gubernatorial candidate said. “We’re going to see what the facts are so that we can make a decision and a judgment based on the facts.”
According to CBS News, Greitens faces a four-way Republican primary challenge. On August 2, Missourians will chose between the former Navy SEAL, Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, businessman John Brunner, and Hanaway.