Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Bates County Republican Central Committee News

The Bates County Republican Central Committee met Tuesday, August 16, as called for in state statute for the purpose of reorganization. It is at this meeting the election of officers is held. The committee, and all members of Bates County Republicans, are grateful to Winifred Gaston for her longtime service as chair of Bates County Republicans. Winifred, with able assistance from husband Floyd, has been the dedicated leader of the club for many years. 

The Bates County Republicans owe a great debt of gratitude to Winifred and Floyd for their many hours of leadership and support. Winifred was assisted by Felix Salazar, vice-chairman, Ruby Stotmeister, secretary, and Sheila Fischer, treasurer.

Newly elected officers are as follows: Felix Salazar, chairman; Sheila Fischer, vice-chair; Greg Mullinax, secretary; Gayle Alexander, treasurer. 

The next meeting of the Bates County Republicans will be 6 PM Thursday, August 25, 2016 at the Flaming Lantern. A silent auction will be held. Please plan to attend!

-Submitted by Greg Mullinax, secretary

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