- Monday - Shipwrecked - Dress like your stranded on an island
- Tuesday - Crew Day: Battle of the Classes
Juniors - Red, Sunburn
Sophomore - Yellow, Sunset
Freshman - Green, Seaweed
8th Grade - Orange, Nemo
7th Grade - Tan, Sand
- Wednesday - Day on the Beach
- Thursday - Walk the Plank - Pirate/Mermaid
- Friday - "Black out the Pirates"
Friday, Sept 16 Homecoming Parade at 2:00
Football Game vs Ash Grove 7:00pm.]
The Homecoming Dance will be from after the game until midnight. Admission is $3 per person or $5 per couple. Concessions will be available for $1.25.
Students bringing out of town or school dates to the Homecoming dance need to have them signed up in the office by Monday, September 12th - end of the day!!