Held at The Farm Research Center, the challenge enabled students from nine area FFA chapters to gain agronomy skills, learn methods to estimate corn and soybean yields, compute production economics and earn funding for their FFA chapters. BigYield.us served as the event’s sponsor.
The team from the Cass Career Center in Harrisonville, Mo., earned the first-place award. Other teams receiving awards were those from Midway High School, second place; Rich Hill R-IV School District, third place; Appleton City High School, fourth place; and Drexel R-IV Schools, fifth place. Teams from Cole Camp High School, Lakeland R-III Public Schools, Miami High School and Sherwood High School also participated.
For participating in the BigYield Challenge, each FFA chapter received $250. Teams placing in the top five, based on total points awarded for yield and production economics estimates, earned additional cash awards: $1,000 for first place, $750 for second place, $500 for third place, $250 for fourth place and $100 for fifth place.
To participate in the BigYield Challenge, FFA students worked in four-person teams to estimate corn and soybean yields. For each of the two crops, students projected yields from organic, non-GMO and GMO field trials. After estimating yields, the students also used basic cost and revenue information to evaluate the profitability for each production method: organic, non-GMO or GMO. Placement in the competition was based on total points accumulated for estimating yields and calculating profitability. Student yield estimates were compared to actual corn plot harvest data and yield projections for soybeans.
About the Mid-America Regional Development Incubator: The Mid-America Regional Development Incubator (MARDI) is a Missouri-based research foundation with extensive experience in advancing the agriculture industry through supporting new technological innovations. As a 501(c)(3), MARDI views part of its mission as being an advocate for broadening opportunities for youth to experience agriculture and learn skills that will make them better students and future workforce participants. To further this mission, MARDI has committed to supporting FFA students and programs.
About BigYield.us: BigYield.us is an organization composed of growers, researchers and staff focused on providing information, solutions, techniques, products and strategies that improve grower productivity and the quality of crops grown on the farm. BigYield.us is committed to helping all growers achieve higher yields by understanding and utilizing the latest advancements in agricultural technology. For more information, contact BigYield.us by phone at (816) 773-6018, or go to http://www.BigYield.us/.