Debra A. Hopkins, Judge
Trish Thomas, Court Administrator
December 16, 2016
W=Warrant issued
City of Butler v.
Zachariah R. Aldridge No valid DL W
Zachariah R. Aldridge Fail to register motor vehicle W
Ashley Alvarado Fail to register motor vehicle W
Ashley Alvarado Fail to register motor vehicle W
Ashley Alvarado Possession of Marijuana W
Ashley Alvarado Possession of Marijuana W
Ashley Alvarado No proof of Insurance W
Ashley Alvarado Possession of Marijuana W
Danny Baker, Jr No proof of Insurance W
Samantha Blum Fail to register motor vehicle W
Kaitlan Boyles Seat Belt W
Kaitlan Boyles Minor in possession W
Kaitlan Boyles Open Container W
Krista Bradley Animal at large W
Shyann Brown Stealing GP SIS; 1 yr pb; pay cc; perform 40 hrs of Community Service
Cora Brown/Lawrence Trespassing GP 5 days jail - credit for time served; Pay cc
Cora Brown/Lawrence Trespassing GP 5 days jail - credit for time served; Pay cc
Cora Brown/Lawrence Obstructing an officer GP 15 days jail - credit for time served; Pay cc
Cora Brown/Lawrence Poss of Drug Paraphernalia GP 5 days jail - run concurrent w/150708481; Pay cc
Cora Brown/Lawrence Poss of Marijuana GP 10 days jail - credit for time served; Pay cc
Bobby Bryant Fail to register motor vehicle W
Bobby Bryant No proof of Insurance W
Nichole Cary/Viter Driving while license revoked W
Dylan Chapman Obstructing an officer GP SIS; 1 yr pb; Pay cc
Dylan Chapman Trespassing GP $175 + cc
Daniel Chastain II Fail to keep right GP $125 + cc
Breana Clark Fail to register motor vehicle GP $100 ic
Lesia Collins Fail to register motor vehicle GP $100 ic
Jonathan Coon Expried DL GP SIS; 6 months pb; pay cc; keep license and insurance in place
Melissa Coonts Driving while license suspended W
Melissa Coonts Driving while license suspended W
Kayle Cooper Property Damage GP SIS; 1 yr pb; pay cc; obey all laws
Kayle Cooper Tampering GP SIS; 1 yr pb; pay cc; no negative contact w/police
Kayle Cooper Stealing GP 5 days jail - credit for time served in DOC; Pay cc
Shannon Cooper No proof of Insurance GP $75 ic
Evan Corder Defective Equipment GP $150 ic
Evan Corder Defective Equipment GP $225 ic
Evan Corder Defective Equipment GP $225 ic
Lisa Counterman Stealing W
Michael Cox Fail to stop at stop sign W
Michael Cox Driving while license suspended W
Michael Cox No proof of Insurance W
Cassandra D. Driskel Speeding GP $125 ic
Saryn Ducharme Disorderly Conduct GP $300 ic
Saryn Ducharme Disorderly Conduct GP $200 ic
Kendall Foster Poss of Drug Paraphernalia W
Kendall Foster Vicious dog at large W
Kendall Foster Domestic Assault W
Tanya M. Fuller Defective Equipment GP $75 ic
Robert Gabriel Driving while license suspended W
Robert Gabriel Seat Belt W
Robert Gabriel Fail to register motor vehicle W
Robert Gabriel Driving while license suspended W
Rhonda Gates Stealing W
Joshua Gillespie Assault W
Michael E. Grant Defective Equipment GP $150 ic
William Hayes No proof of Insurance GP $75 + cc
Carolynn Hilbus Fail to register motor vehicle GP $100 ic
Michael Hoch Stealing W
Cory Hood C&I Driving W
Cory Hood Fail to stop at stop sign W
Cory Hood Impropery Signal W
Cory Hood Leaving the scene of an accident W
Cory Hood Driving while license revoked W
Cory Hood Property Damage W
Cory Hood Open Container while operating vehicle W
Jessica Hoss/Ober Stealing W
Justin Hough Filing a false police report W
Amber Jeffries Trespassing GP $150 + cc
James Johnson Stealing W
Harold Lasswell No proof of Insurance W
Christpoher Lawrence Poss of Drug Paraphernalia GP $250 + cc
Trent Lewis Domestic Assault GP $250 ic
Sean Martin Driving while license suspended W
Sean Martin No proof of Insurance W
Matthew McGrew Defective Equipment GP $175 ic
Bonnie Miller Obstructing an officer W
Jeffrey Miller Poss of Drug Paraphernalia W
Jeffrey Miller Assault W
Fredrick Moore Poss of Drug Paraphernalia W
Dale Murray No proof of Insurance GP SIS; 1 yr pb; pay cc; show vehicle is licensed and Insured by
March 17, 2017 or Appear back in Court
Dale Murray Fail to Register GP SIS; 1 yr pb; pay cc; same condition
Dale Murray No proof of Insurance GP $125 ic
Dale Murray Fail to register GP $75 ic
Kimberly Nash Speeding W
Taylor Palmer Poss of Drug Paraphernalia GP 5 days jail - credit for time served; waive cost
Taylor Palmer DWS GP 5 days jail - credit for time served; waive cost
Jadd Pence Defective Equipment GP $175 ic
Tamara Perkins Driving while license revoked W
Trenton Peters Defective Equipment GP $225 ic
Ronald Radford DWI- Drug GP SIS; 2 yrs pb; pay cc
Michael L. Reynolds Seat Belt GP $10
Curtis Saucerman No proof of Insurance GP $100 ic
Curtis Saucerman Fail to register motor vehicle GP $75 + cc
Jesus Selfridge Leaving the scene of an accident W
Jesus Selfridge Driving while license revoked W
Jesus Selfridge No proof of Insurance W
Jesus Selfridge Driving while license revoked W
Jesus Selfridge No proof of Insurance W
Jesus Selfridge Driving while license revoked W
Felicia Shelton Fail to register motor vehicle GP $100 ic
Amanda Shobe Fail to register motor vehicle W
Amanda Shobe Driving while license suspended W
Amanda Shobe No proof of Insurance W
Amanda Shobe Resist Arrest W
Amanda Shobe Driving while license suspended W
Amanda Shobe Seat Belt W
Amanda Shobe Animal at large W
Joseph Simms Fail to register motor vehicle W
Brandi Smith Wrong way on a one way GP $125 + cc
Dominic Smith Defective Equipment GP $225 ic
Amanda Slover No proof of Insurance GP $75 + cc
Crystal Stewart Fail to register motor vehicle W
Shadoe Taylor Stealing W
Michael Thompson No proof of Insurance W
Michael Thompson Driving while license suspended W
Eric Thornburg No proof of Insurance GP $75 + cc
Philip Thornburg No vaild DL GP $125 + cc
Darren Venneman Trespassing W
Darren Venneman Stealing W
Darren Venneman Resist Arrest W
Darren Venneman Possession of Marijuana W
Darren Venneman Poss of Drug Paraphernalia W
Darren Venneman Open Container W
Darren Venneman Receive/Possess Stolen Property W
Darren Venneman Driving while license revoked W
James Wadel Defective Equipment GP $225 ic
Kristopher Ward Fail to register motor vehicle GP $100 ic
Kristopher Ward Seat Belt GP $10
Becky Wheatley Defective Equipment GP $200 ic
Adam Wiesler Fail to register motor vehicle GP $100 ic
James Winkel Fail to stop at stop sign W
James Winkel Seat Belt W
Monika Worley Resist Arrest GP SIS; 1 yr pb; no negative police contact;pay cc; perform C.S. for fines
Monika Worley Assault on officer GP SIS; 1 yr pb; pay cc
Monika Worley Domestic Assault GP $150 + cc; allowed to perform C.S. for fines @ a rate of $10 hr
Monika Worley Animal Neglect GP $150 + cc; allowed to perform C.S. for fines @ a rate of $10 hr
Paul Young Fail to register motor vehicle GP $100 ic