Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Greg D. Mullinax attends Newly Elected Coroner Orientation Seminar

Bates County Coroner-Elect Greg D. Mullinax attended Newly Elected Coroner Orientation Seminar last Tuesday and Wednesday in Jefferson City, Missouri. The seminar was hosted by the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners Association.

Topics covered included toxicology services, disaster procedures, surplus property, completing death certificates, child fatality review program, eye donation, organ procurement, state technical assistance team, securing blood samples, report submission and court testimony, among many other topics.

“Although I was familiar with much of this information through my training and daily work, it was helpful to have a review of updated statutes and best practices. The chance to visit with coroners from other Missouri counties was invaluable when discussing experiences. I am grateful to the MCMEA for this training and for the resources it will provide my office,” said Coroner (Elect) Mullinax.

"Over the next two weeks, I have scheduled meetings with each hospice, healthcare facility and law enforcement agency in Bates County. I plan to share resources with them as well as provide updated information for reporting deaths as required by law. This training helped me identify some best practices which I believe will serve us well. 

We ALL have a responsibility to care for the people entrusted to our care, regardless of the circumstance. I look forward to partnering with these professionals who continue to serve Bates County well.”

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