Wednesday, February 8, 2017

From the City of Drexel

As most of you know our Drexel Swimming Pool was built back in 1971, on donations and fundraisers, like dances, so we are hoping we might be able to bring back this tradition and be able to raise money need to do some much needed work at our pool so we can open in May. At the present time we do not have a Drexel Pool Board to plan any fundraisers so Peggy Moles and myself have taken it upon ourselves to try to do some, so that the pool will be able to be open for the summer, we hate to see it close. So we are planning a Pool Fundraiser for March 17, 2017, St. Patrick’s Day! We are planning a Dinner and Dance along with a silent auction. We received sponsorship for the Band Silver Bullet (the band that comes for the pumpkin festival). 

We will serve dinner from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm and enjoy the band from 8:30 pm – 11:30 pm, if you would like to help the cost of food and or donate any items for the silent auction. 

Please let Peggy or I know at the Drexel City Hal. If you or anyone you know might be interested in serving on the Drexel Pool Board again please give us a call at the Drexel City Hall (816)-619-2323. Any help that you can give us will most graciously be appreciated.


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