Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Good fences really do make good neighbors?

Missouri’s Complex Fence Laws to be Explained March 7 at Osceola

A program to discuss Missouri’s Complicated Fence Law will be held on Tuesday evening, March 7th, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the First Baptist Church, 505 W. Walnut, Osceola. There is a $15 charge for this meeting and that covers the program and materials. Pre-registration is recommended so that there will be materials for all attending. To register for the class, call the St. Clair Extension office at 417-646-2419. 

“Missouri continues to have a very complicated fence law, in large part due to the fact that two separate laws cover the state depending on the county that your land is in” according to Joe Koenen, Agricultural Business Specialist with University of Missouri Extension who will be presenting the program that night. “If you own land you really need to know the law and how it impacts you whether you own livestock or not.” “Furthermore, in 2016 a portion of the law was changed to address livestock liability that affects livestock and non-livestock owners, alike” said Joe.

Other problems are that both laws are subject to interpretation and can be a little different, depending on the county you are in. A comparison of both laws will be given at this program. Joe has been presenting programs on the fence law for over 25 years throughout the state, including via Adobe Connect and interactive TV. Landowners need to be aware of what the law is in their county and this meeting will help them better understand their rights and responsibilities. 

This program will be done via interactive TV so attendees can see the presentation and also ask questions of the presenter. It allows the presenter (Joe) to talk to several folks in a wide area without traveling to each location.

Contact Joe Koenen at if you have any questions.

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