Thursday, February 9, 2017

Raffle for Kameron Williams

Raffle for Kameron Williams and his family to help generate a little money. What do the people of Facebook think about winning a chance for up to 20 hours and professional tattoo work (well over 2000$ worth of work) and tickets being $20 a piece all of the proceeds going towards Kamerons family. Drawing will be after April Winners will include (1) 2 hr session, (2) 4 hour sessions, and (1) 10 hour session, any session longer than four hours will be limited to 5hr long sessions until time is complete. Winners may be liable to pay if more sessions are needed and allotted time is expired unless negotiated on a price or other option. Anyone can enter if legally acceptable, only four drawings will be drawn. If in the instance one person is drawn four times the sessions don't exceed a length of 5 hours in one sitting unless negotiations are made between The winner and Electric City Ink.

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