On Feb. 8,
Samantha Taylor, 29, Deepwater, was arrested on a St. Clair County
warrant for failing to appear in court on two counts of class A
misdemeanor domestic assault-third degree. Bond was set at $10,000 cash
On Feb. 10 a bond modification order was issued by the court and Taylor was released on her own recognizance.
The original charges stem
from an incident on Jan. 30, 2016 when a St. Clair County deputy
responded to a call in reference to a female making a threat to another
individual at an apartment on South Mahan Street, Lowry City. During the
investigation it was discovered Taylor entered a residence, uninvited,
of another individual placing them in apprehension of immediate physical
injury. Taylor allegedly pushed her way through another family member
and threatened to cut the throat of the individual. |