He has to focus this morning on therapy and work hard then rest. Just doing the things most of us take for granted are hard work for Kam right now and thank you to everyone who has sent cards and visited the waiting room and sent encouraging words and prayers. Keep it coming you are making a difference and we love our community for not giving up on us!! He is a beautiful strong young man I am so blessed to get to be his mommy

He wants to tell you all that he is fighting hard and can not wait to share his thoughts with everyone. I currently will not give him his phone.
He has to stay focused on getting better and he can only do a little at a time the staff here at Overland Park Regional Hospital are wonderful but they can not do their magic if his nose is barred in his phone.
Thank you for your patience and he will reach out as soon as possible. #kamsfam. - Courtesy of Heather (Kam's Mother)