Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Bates County Northern Commissioner Newsletter

Four months have passed since I became the Northern Commissioner of Bates County. It is an honor, and I thank everyone in my district that voted for me and gave me confidence to act on your behalf as well as the rest of the County.

Learning about County Government has been a learning experience as expected. A lot goes on! I am learning all that Commissioners do! It’s a question I am asked on a regular basis. We are busy more than the required two days a week with meetings, education training and agendas outside the courthouse. Everything we do is open to the public, all meetings with vendors, engineers, county residents, office holders is recorded and kept as a record for anyone who would like to see what we do.

Our first job of the year is the Budget! Each office holder provide their budget to County Clerk who prepares the budget for the Commission to approve. Each office holder is responsible to the County to maintain within budget and “watch over your money”. Our County is running in the black and last year 2016 the County was substantially below the proposed spending. I found that to be good news. Our County has continued to grow in the last five years. Even with new projects, bridges, culvert s, and a host of other expenses that we face.

Projects we are currently doing and working on are the jail, courthouse and future facilities to be purchased. Crime in our Country continues to be problem. Our jail is currently being substantially funded by housing federal prisoners. Our Sheriff works hard at providing funding to support his office and staff and building by maintaining a standard that the Federal Marshalls require to insure future contracts to house their prisoners. Your jail/sheriff’s office is 93% funded by federal funds. Very little tax payer money is spent by the Sheriff’s office. An expansion/renovation project is in progress for the jail.

Our Courthouse is one of very few left in use in Missouri. It is in good condition, but needs constant updates. A severe water leak damage prior to roof repair in a vault in the Circuit Clerk’s office was recently repaired with Grant funds. It takes months to do projects with outside funding and Commissioners prior to me accomplished this repair. Another project is in the works to reseal the foundation of the courthouse especially the north side. Tuck- pointing the bottom half of the limestone is also in progress. Grants and cost-sharing programs are being used to contribute to this project.

Office space and storage of records has been a concern for several years. Plans are being worked on to renovate the Jennings building (after closing) to accommodate several principal offices currently now in the courthouse. Our plan is to keep the Courthouse a courthouse and we want to keep all county Government close to the square. The future purchase will solve many problems for us and very economically compared to other options. The good news is, we are not asking for additional funding from the taxpayers! Our plans involve funds we have and expect to have as we move forward.

I hope this report has answered some questions you might have. Again thank you for allowing me and the other Commissioners the opportunity to serve our community and plan for the future of Bates County.

Submitted by:

Alvin O. Griffin Northern Com. 660-679-7255 alvieo@yahoo.com

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