Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hume Community News 6/13/17

The Community of Hume wishes to extend their sympathy to the family of Harold Osborn of the Kansas City area who passed away last week. He is the father of Vicki Maynard and the great-grandfather of Michala and Marissa Lantsburger of Hume. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of his family at this time.

Kids are enjoying VBS at the Hume Christian Church this week, a big shout out to all the volunteers who use their time and talent to make this possible.

Don’t forget the food pantry will be holding the distribution this Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to Noon.

The O5O Club will have their noon carry-in dinner on Monday, June 19 at the Hume Community Center. This lunch is opened to anyone and you don’t have to bring anything. There is a donation bowl at the table if you wish to donate. All are welcome to

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