Each summer several organizations bring attention to the Where's Baby campaign. These are the current statistics for heatstroke deaths in the United States as of July 10, 2017 - from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's website - .https://www.safercar.gov/parents/InandAroundtheCar/heat-involved.html.
Total number of children who have died from heatstroke from 1998 to present - 719
Number of children who have died from heatstroke in 2017 - 19
Number of children who died from heatstroke in 2016 - 39
Average number of child heatstroke fatalities per year since 1998 - 37
Here's what you can do to keep kids safe:
Never leave a child alone in a motor vehicle.
Make a habit of checking your back seat.
When strapping a child into a car seat, leave a reminder like a cell phone or even your left shoe in back with them.
If you see a child unattended in a vehicle, call 911.
After parking your car, lock it. Children who get inside an unlocked vehicle can become trapped.
To learn more, click here - http://www.wheresbaby.org/.