Guest speaker, Renee Hoagenson. |
Alan Mundey gave the invocation and Mary Mae Lewis led the group in the Pledge to the Flag.
Marlene Wainscott gave the treasurer’s report. Lucille Mundey read the minutes of the last meeting which were approved as read.
Diana read an invitation from the Fourth District MO Federation of Women’s Democratic Clubs. Their fall meeting will be September 30 at Harrisonville at CJ’s Steakhouse. Registration is from 10:30 to 11:00 with the meeting at 11. Cost of lunch is $15.
Diana introduced our guest speaker, Renee Hoagenson, Democratic candidate for Missouri’s 4th Congressional District. Renee’s professional expertise is in small business marketing and development. Renee talked about the need for representation of our constituents. She stressed that we need to get back to the basics. We need normal American people in Washington, not lobbyist and special interest groups. We need finance reform and redistricting reform. Renee would vote against any bill that takes funding away from public schools. She will stand against publicly funding charter schools which would starve our rural public schools of much needed resources in order to fund profit- driven schools in urban areas. Renee feels that federal elections should be publicly financed. That when campaigns are paid for by the people the candidate will be beholden to the people, not special interest groups. Renee believes that everybody should have equal access to health care. She supports a transition to single-payer health care so that every Missourian will be guaranteed the type of care they need. For more information on Renee Hoagenson, go to:;; or facebook HoagensonForCongress.
Our next meeting will be September 28, at noon at the Pennell
Marlene Wainscott gave the treasurer’s report. Lucille Mundey read the minutes of the last meeting which were approved as read.
Diana read an invitation from the Fourth District MO Federation of Women’s Democratic Clubs. Their fall meeting will be September 30 at Harrisonville at CJ’s Steakhouse. Registration is from 10:30 to 11:00 with the meeting at 11. Cost of lunch is $15.
Diana introduced our guest speaker, Renee Hoagenson, Democratic candidate for Missouri’s 4th Congressional District. Renee’s professional expertise is in small business marketing and development. Renee talked about the need for representation of our constituents. She stressed that we need to get back to the basics. We need normal American people in Washington, not lobbyist and special interest groups. We need finance reform and redistricting reform. Renee would vote against any bill that takes funding away from public schools. She will stand against publicly funding charter schools which would starve our rural public schools of much needed resources in order to fund profit- driven schools in urban areas. Renee feels that federal elections should be publicly financed. That when campaigns are paid for by the people the candidate will be beholden to the people, not special interest groups. Renee believes that everybody should have equal access to health care. She supports a transition to single-payer health care so that every Missourian will be guaranteed the type of care they need. For more information on Renee Hoagenson, go to:;; or facebook HoagensonForCongress.
Our next meeting will be September 28, at noon at the Pennell