Electric City Downtown Organization (ECD) is on a mission. Their mission is the revitalization of Downtown and the Historic Square of Butler, Missouri. They want to honor the history of the area by rehabilitating disused buildings and making the area a more interesting place to do business, dine, shop, work, live, and find entertainment close to home. They are able to do this by being part of a bigger program called Missouri Main Street Connection. Butler City Administrator, Casey Koehn, applied for a Main Street Grant Affiliate in February of 2015 to become a Main Street Missouri Affiliate. They became an official non-profit organization in Fall 2016. They are a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the revitalization of Downtown and the Historic Square of Butler, Missouri.
So how can Butler residents become involved in such a movement? ECD will be kicking off an investor drive, around January 2018. By becoming an investor in your historic downtown square, you can be a part of the revitalization and growth. More details on that to come. If you are interested in being involved or want more information, check them out on Facebook, where meeting times and locations are posted or you can contact ECD President Tonya Williams at (660) 227–9422.
Don’t miss out on the next big event hosted by ECD which will be a Wine Walk for Small Business Saturday on November 25th on the Butler Square. You will be able to sip some wine and do some Christmas shopping at your local retailers.