Thursday, November 2, 2017

Missouri Fire Marshal suggests precautionary measures when using space heaters

JEFFERSON CITY — As the temperatures outside go down, we often use space heaters to warm up. If not used correctly, space heaters can be a serious fire hazard.

"They can be dangerous." State Fire Marshal Tim Bean said he knows all too well how dangerous improperly used space heaters can be.

"In my career, I've worked several calls where space heaters were the cause of the fire," he said.

He said time and time again, the fires start the same way.

"The most frequent thing we see from space heater use is catching things on fire around the space heater."

He said there needs to be three feet around portable heaters that is free from anything, including curtains, dressers and blankets.

Electric heaters should be plugged directly into the wall outlet if possible, as many extension cords and power strips are not designed to handle the load of an electric heater. Kerosene and propane heaters should also be used with extreme care.

"Fuel-fed heaters always do have an elevated risk with them because you're dealing with a fuel. If the fuel isn't burning correctly, you'll get carbon monoxide build-up which creates some health issues."

Bean said fighting a fire that could have been avoided is frustrating,

"It's very sad to encounter those situations because it could have been prevented. That's the thing."

Regardless of how you heat your home, the best advice the state fire marshal's office has for staying warm and keeping safe, "Be aware, be educated about what you're using."

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