In Amsterdam, Cheryl Case joins the largest group of veterans in the National Memorial Day Parade that begins at 2PM on Monday, May 28 on Constitution Avenue in Washington, DC. The parade is produced by the American Veterans Center.
Cheryl Case is a Desert Storm Veteran who served in the Gulf War from December, 1990 until June 1991. She was responsible for communication for the rear echelon and the infantry units on the move during the ground war.
Desert Storm was the first major foreign crisis for the United States following the Cold War. In March 2017, the new National Desert Storm War Memorial (NDSWM) was approved by President Trump to be built on the National Mall in Washington in remembrance of the Desert Storm War, those who paid the ultimate price for their service, the war’s veterans and the liberation of the country of Kuwait.
“Our campaign is on the fast track to build a memorial that honors the 650,000 service members who served in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm from August 2, 1990 to April 6, 1991,” said Scott Stump, president of the National Desert Storm War Memorial. “We will start building this memorial through the support of veterans, their families, individuals, companies and 33 embassies worldwide.”
Donations to build the memorial and can be made at
Cheryl Case is a Desert Storm Veteran who served in the Gulf War from December, 1990 until June 1991. She was responsible for communication for the rear echelon and the infantry units on the move during the ground war.
Desert Storm was the first major foreign crisis for the United States following the Cold War. In March 2017, the new National Desert Storm War Memorial (NDSWM) was approved by President Trump to be built on the National Mall in Washington in remembrance of the Desert Storm War, those who paid the ultimate price for their service, the war’s veterans and the liberation of the country of Kuwait.
“Our campaign is on the fast track to build a memorial that honors the 650,000 service members who served in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm from August 2, 1990 to April 6, 1991,” said Scott Stump, president of the National Desert Storm War Memorial. “We will start building this memorial through the support of veterans, their families, individuals, companies and 33 embassies worldwide.”
Donations to build the memorial and can be made at